Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Getting Started

Finally....I go back to work next week, and we're starting to get somewhere at KU Med. He had an appointment today, and because he had been feeling nauseous when we left this morning, had not eaten anything. Since he was not feeling well at the appointment and complaining of pain and discomfort, they were able to schedule and conduct a CT scan while we were there. After such a long wait the last time we were there, it was nice that this clicked along the way it did. He was able to go from the doctor's appointment straight to radiology for the test.

He also got a couple of prescriptions to hopefully calm any spasms down to see if that's the cause of the pain. My concern, and evidently Terry's too, is that the pain is increasing. It's frustrating because while we are starting the process with this department at KU Med, they are starting from scratch. We've already scratched....we need to do something different and outside the box where diagnostics are concerned. I thought we had articulated that from the beginning, but I suppose each physician feels the need to validate for himself.

I'm still encouraged he's not been sick enough to require hospitalization while I've been off. I really can't figure that one out. He's obviously not felt well almost every morning, and that's been apparent. So what is the difference with whether this goes full blown or dies down mid-morning, as it has done? I have no clue...the only other variable may be the weather has been so cold that it may have diminished the impact of the changes in weather that typically have filled his sinuses and drained down his throat. Without that additional trigger, he may keep from sliding into a full day or more of vomiting.

I wish I could figure it out, so we could stop it from getting to that point. It's hard to keep something from happening if you don't know how it starts. At least we're finally getting down that road to figuring it out....

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