Friday, January 8, 2010

Customer service

I am a big proponent of quality customer you begin the interaction with whomever you're dealing with often influences your opinion and perspective of them...or in fewer words, you can never make another first impression....I called KU Med today in an effort to move Terry's Feb. 16 appt. with them a few weeks earlier, and feel like it was a Herculean task to express myself...

If someone is not listening to what you're saying, there is either a negative outcome to the experience, or getting through until they ARE listening takes forever...while I did accomplish my goal of moving the appt. to an earlier date, I did not have the opportunity to determine whether there were other opportunities to start with a different department...since we've been told, and Alice read to me over the phone today, they don't do team conferences or case might have enabled us to cut to the chase with what we're dealing with much faster...

At the end of October, we had requested through our primary care physician, a case conference with four specific specialists sitting at the table with Terry to ask questions regarding symptoms, and me to answer specifics of when...for 30 mins I thought we could have had a conversation allowing the professionals to ask questions, thereby eliminating unnecessary or pointless diagnostics....Terry has been pieced out to specialists for the past 5 years this has been going on, and we wanted a team discussing it and narrowing down the focus...what has happened so far in the way of diagnosis has been, how do I say, nothing?? What we know about this is what we've paid attention to and recognized ourselves...

So I'm trying to arrange something more consistent with what we're envisioning, and Alice is listening to nothing I'm saying "beyond Feb. 16 is too late to wait to get in".....had she stopped for 15 seconds to listen to me, there might have been a more positive outcome to the exercise than simply changing the appt. date...we might be well on our way to a more coordinated approach to healthcare...when the patient is forced to figure it out due to failures in the healthcare system to get the job done, it would be nice if the medical professionals accepted that what they're doing, the way they're doing it, just doesn't cut IS time to reinvent the wheel....or get out of my way so I can...

For now, I've dealt with interrupting non listening Alice, so I'm set for the experience to be less than pleasant...we'll see.....

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